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上 hero mythology definition 264883-Hero definition mythology

 In Professor Nagy's list of the characteristics of the prototypical Greek hero, he writes that the hero was "unseasonal" This basically means that the greatest heroes were born into dire circumstances of some kind Heracles (known to the Romans as Hercules) the greatest hero of all is the poster boy for unseasonality According to myth, he was the son of Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, and a mortal womanAn anti hero, by definition, is a central character who lacks conventional heroic attributes These characters can range from a good person with an unattractive vice to a criminal mastermind who has a heart of gold Famous examples of the anti hero include JayOf living men by 10s In Homer, of the Greeks before Troy, then a comprehensive term used of warriors generally, also of all free men in the Heroic Age In classical mythology from at least the time of Hesiod (8c The Hero Tv Tropes Hero definition mythology